Home Destinations The Church of the Saviour on Blood, St. Petersburg

The Church of the Saviour on Blood, St. Petersburg

by Lisa Stentvedt

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You know that church in all the Visit Russia photos? The one with all the colours and the beautiful towers? It har many names, but is best known as the Church of the Saviour on Blood.

It is one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen, and a must if you visit St. Petersburg, Russia.

In Norway we have a saying – ‘Kjært barn har mange navn‘ – which literally translates to ‘A loved child has many names’. I am sure there is an English equivalent to the saying, but if there is I haven’t heard it yet.

Well, I believe the saying was made for this church.

The Church of the Saviour on Blood is also known as the Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood, the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ and the Church on Spilt Blood – all with at least 3 different versions each.

You know how easily on can be replaced with of and sometimes the Saviour is our Saviour. So I’m sure you understand we were confused when trying to Google Maps the thing.

Here’s a direct link to the location, to make it easier for you.

Church of the saviour on blood beautiful church in russia st petersburg

Back to the saying. In this case, the emphasis must be added to the ‘loved’ part. When rounding the corner of Nevskij Prospekt (one of the main streets in St. Petersburg) it became very clear why the church has become such a staple in Russian history and tourism.

There was no way to properly capture it on camera, and even an extremely edited Instagram photo couldn’t completely do it justice.

The Church was built over the spot where Emperor Alexander II was fatally wounded in 1881, which also explains the rather gruesome names given to this loved child.

The Emperor did not die on site, but it is where he lost a lot of blood before he was taken to the Winter Palace (just a few streets down). He died there a few hours later.

Church of the saviour on blood beautiful church in russia st petersburg

It has been a while since the Church was actually used for worship. It was left in a bad state after being looted and ransacked during the Russian Revolution, and ultimately closed by the Soviet Government in the early 1930s.

During World War 2 it was used as a morgue, and after the war as a warehouse for vegetables. This lead to another name given to this loved child, the satirical Saviour on Potatoes.

The Church is now (besides from a huge tourist attraction) a Museum of Mosaics. Not gonna lie, we weren’t super excited about that, but it was all forgotten once the ticket was bought and we entered the Church.

Our guide at the Winter Palace had told us in advance that Russian Mosaics were very special, as a lot of it is melted glass, and she sure was right. The details in the Church were insane, and from a distance it all seemed painted on. But once you got closer you saw that it was all tiny pieces of melted glass.

Church of the saviour on blood beautiful church in russia st petersburg

A Shrine has been built over the exact spot where Emperor Alexander II was wounded, and the cobblestone has been left bare under it. We didn’t actually know this before entering, so it was an incredibly interesting sight to see! It was beautifully detailed, of course, just like the rest of the Church.

Visiting the Church is a must when heading to St. Petersburg, and I’m sure it was already on your list before reading this post. If not, have you added it now?

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Rachel G 27/10/2015 - 10:51

Wow! I’ve never seen anything at all like this. The detail is incredible, and that’s an understatement.

LisaLDN 27/10/2015 - 12:35

I know, I couldn’t believe it when I saw it! So detailed, and such beautiful colours! 🙂

Leonie 27/10/2015 - 12:39

Looks so magical!!

Leonie ♥ Lo On The Go

LisaLDN 27/10/2015 - 13:24

It really was!
Thanks for commenting, Leonie 🙂

Rochelle 29/10/2015 - 11:49

Wow!.. It looks so beautiful..! 🙂

Good vibes, Fox

check out my latest Vlog


LisaLDN 29/10/2015 - 13:25

I know, absolutely stunning! The colours and details were so hard to capture on camera, definitely something you must see with your own eyes! 🙂

Synne 29/10/2015 - 11:50

My goodness, it looks absolutely incredible. There are some buildings and sights that you just have to see with your own eyes, and this seems to be one of them!


LisaLDN 29/10/2015 - 13:25

I completely agree, Synne! I would add this to the top of my list of places to see! 🙂

Homepagely 30/10/2015 - 09:08

Great post Lisa. I was in Moscow few times before, but really wish I could go to St Petersburg as well soon. We will be happy if you visit our travel blog http://www.travelsito.com/ as well

LisaLDN 30/10/2015 - 09:23

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Visiting Moscow must have been beautiful, I’d love to go there some day!

Thanks for commenting and for leaving your blog 🙂

Mia 30/10/2015 - 20:12

Stunning photos! This church really is gorgeous! 🙂

Urban Obsessions // Vegan Food, Beauty & Lifestyle

LisaLDN 31/10/2015 - 10:33

Thank you! It is so gorgeous, definitely a sight you must see! 🙂

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